In-Fill House

Architecture | Residential
Good-Class Bungalow
Singapore, 2022-ongoing

The project is an adaptation of an existing 2-storey Good Class Bungalow that involves the replacement of an existing central courtyard with a new steel structure in-fill that houses all the public programs.

A new steel post and beam structure was inserted between the two wings of the existing house, intentionally kept and not demolished so as to preserve the memory of the original design. This new framing fills a space previously occupied by an open-to-sky courtyard. The infill now serves as the new central public area within the house, accommodating formal living, dining, and family spaces. This central area allows occupants to gather and transition as they move between the wings.

New materials like fair-faced concrete and stone cladding on the facades breathe brand new life to the existing house; whilst new sun shading design strategies are introduced to combat the western sun that is filtering into the insides of the house.